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June 11, 2023
“Filling Our Soul and Spirit”
Dt 8:2...16 1 Cor 10:16-17 Jn 6:51-5
Almost everyone will admit that there is both a material and non-material side of every person. We have a physical body as well as a spiritual soul – And we spend most of our time trying to take care of these two sides whether we want to admit it or not. Our physical body needs food, water, shelter, and clothing to survive and be healthy. To this end, we must work to procure these necessities. However, our spiritual side must also be nourished and kept alive. Our intellect feeds on information. Our emotions thrive on love. And our will seeks to acquire those things which bring us satisfaction in body, mind, and spirit. However, problems arise when we try to nourish our souls with material things or personal accomplishments. We do this in various ways that enable us to attain wealth, power or pleasure. Yet, no matter how many things we have – how much power we exhort – or the pleasure we enjoy – it is never enough. We always want more. We will always want more because our soul and spirit were made for the infinite. They were made for God and no person or thing can fill them except God, Himself! The human race was in a truly sad state until God intervened in what is called Salvation History. God established the Chosen People to further His plan to bring us closer to Himself. Today, in the Old Testament passage, Moses reminded these people how God had chosen, led, protected, and nourished them on their journey to the Promised Land. This was despite their sins, disobedience and infidelity. Even when they suffered, it was to test them. It was to see if they would remain faithful and keep His Commandments. God sent them the “manna”, a bread-like substance to keep them from starvation. The “manna” proved that God’s word was believable. His word was truth and life. Moreover, it is God’s Word that alone can fill the human soul and spirit. God’s Word continues to guide us in a directionless world. It sustains us and keeps us from self-destruction during impossible times. It is the same Word that became flesh in Jesus of Nazareth. And Jesus came to fill the starving spiritual side of ourselves! In the Gospel of John, Jesus tells us that, somehow, he is the true bread that has come down from heaven. The “manna” did not keep the Chosen People from eventual physical death. It did nothing for their souls and spirits. But Jesus is the “living bread” that has come down from heaven. Furthermore, if we partake of that “bread”, we will live forever! When Jesus tells us that we must eat his flesh and drink his blood, he is telling us that we must take him into ourselves – our whole self – body and spirit. Thus, we become one with Jesus who brings us to eternal life. The Jews could not understand this, because they did not have an authentic spiritual life with God. Because they did not accept God’s words – they could not accept Jesus, the Divine Word – and his words of life! Brothers and Sisters, much the same can happen to us today. We have the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the body and blood of the Risen Jesus – the Christ! The Eucharist fosters a vital interior life with God in our souls. But the Eucharist eventually becomes meaningless for those with no vital, interior life of the spirit. This is, probably, the reason so many leave the Church or do not care about Salvation and eternal life. Holy Communion loses its impact and importance if there is no real, no solid inner life with God in our souls and spirits! When most of the others left Jesus, the true disciples stayed with him. They were able to do so because they had a real, personal life with Jesus. They did not understand his words. But they loved Him and believed because of their life with Him. The Eucharist and an interior life must always go together. They enhance each other. Even if we cannot receive Holy Communion, our interior life can grow with spiritual Communion! So, let no one be discouraged if he or she has an honest love for Jesus. Let us all keep striving together, even if we are very different. God will continue to test us. Sometimes harshly. Somebody will die on the way. Yet, we prove our fidelity by keeping His Commandments and being with Him. So, let us pray, today, that no material thing or suffering will ever impede our journey to God. Let us pray tirelessly for the people we loved but did not repent. Love should be an eternal bond even with them in the kingdom of mercy. Grace is given as per hope. And may we remain faithful and steadfast until we are together in God’s eternal kingdom of life and love. Amen.